Aglaia lawii (Wight) C.J. Saldanha (MELIACEAE)
Description: Trees reaching heights of up to 15 meters; the young sections, inflorescence, calyx, and fruits are enveloped in yellowish-brown lepidote scales. Leaves up to 40 cm long; leaflets 5, laterals opposite, some times alternate, ovate-lanceolate or elliptic, up to 16 x 6 cm, oblique at base, acute at apex. Flowers polygamous, white with male flowers in panicles and female and bisexual flowers in short spikes. Calyx 4-toothed. Petals 4, oblong. Stamens 8, attached near base of globose staminal tube. Ovary lepidote; stigma 3-lobed. Capsules pyriform, ca 2.5 cm long, buff coloured, 3-locular. Seeds 2-3, arillate.
Flowering & Fruiting: December – February.
Distribution: India: In semi-evergreen forests of Western Ghats.Maharashtra, Goa, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu and Kerala.