Antiaris toxicaria Lesch. (MORACEAE)

Common name
Kannada: Ajjana patte .
Description: Large trees; young parts pubescent. Petiole up to 1 cm; leaf blade elliptic-oblong, acuminate, rounded – cordate or truncate up to 16 x 11 cm. Scabrid and shining above sub coriaceous; lateral nerves 8-11 pairs. Male receptacle orbicular, reflexed; peduncle velvetly; perianth spathulate, hairy without stamens 4; filament very short or more. Anthers introse. The female receptacle surrounds a solitary flower with two elongated stigmatic lobes that are bifid.
Flowering & Fruiting: September – October.
Distribution: India: Frequent in Evergreen forests of Western Ghats.Malaysia.
Uses: Latex in small dose is mild cardic and circulating stimulant, in large doses a myocardinal poison; seeds used as a febrifuge and in dysentery.