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Garcinia indica (Thouars) Choisy

Garcinia indica (Thouars) Choisy
  • The fruit is fit for consumption. The dehydrated outer rind of the fruit is employed, such as in the Konkan area of Maharashtra where it is known as Kokam, to enhance curries with its acidic flavor. Additionally, it is utilized in crafting refreshing syrups, particularly during warmer months. The seeds yield valuable fat known as ‘Kokum butter’ which is used as an edible fat, for adulterating ghee and in the manufacture of soaps and candles.
  • The wood is well suited for paper-pulp.The oil-cake left after the extraction of oil is used as manure. Fruit antiscorbutic, cholagogue, antibilious; fruit and bark astringent; oil from seed astringent, demulcent, emolltient and soothing in cutaneous affections, used in pulmonary affections; leaf and oil antidysenteric. Root, bark, fruit and oil are used in piles, sprue, abdominal disorders, cardiac diseases, worm infection and thirst.
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