Pandanus unipapillatus Dennst. (PANDANACEAE)

Description: These shrubs or small trees, featuring few prop roots, have linear-ensiform leaves measuring up to 200 x 6 cm. The margins and midrib of the leaves are prickly. The male inflorescence is terminal and spicate, with bracts that are linear-lanceolate or lanceolate and yellowish, and the lower ones are flagelliferous. Spikes dense, up to 11 cm long. Stamens many, umbellate on stamenophores; anthers apiculate. Female inflorescence terminal, pedunculate, bracteate. Carpels simple; styles flattened, usually bent at right angles, 2-lobed. Fruit (syncarp) single, oblong-rounded, up to 25 cm long, pendulous, organge yellow when ripe; drupes club-shaped, up to 5 cm long, apex pyramidal.
Flowering: August – October.
Distribution: India: Common in the coastal belt and Western Ghats along banks of streams, canals and marshy places. Karnataka, Tamil Nadu and Kerala. Endemic.