Agastache rugosus, Chinese patchouli uses and benefits

Agastache rugosus,is used internally to improve appetite, strengthen the digestive system, and relieve symptoms such as abdominal bloating, indigestion, nausea and vomiting.

Agastache Rugosa ,which is extracted from the whole herb of the Lmiaceae Pogostemoncablin a(Blanco) Benth plant. or Agastacherugosa (Fisch. and Mey.) O. Ktze. The main active ingredient is volatile oil.

It has the functions of antifungal, antispasmodic, analgesic, stomach invigorating, antiemetic, antidiarrheal and improving the secretion of gastric juice.


Botanical name: Agastache rugosa, Leophanthus rugosus, Cedronella japonica
French names: L’agastache Rugosa, Agastache Menthe, Menthe Coréenne
English names: Korean Mint, Wrinkled Giant Hyssop, Purple Giant Hyssop, Indian Mint, Blue Licorice, Huo Xiang, Chinese Patchouli

Additional information

Weight50 g