Mystique Alpinia officinarum Oil
Botanical Name: Alpinia Galanga
Galangal Essential Oil is obtained through the steam distillation of the rhizomes of Alpinia Galanga, commonly known as Galangal. Belonging to the Zingiberaceae family, it is native to Malaysia and Indonesia. Galangal finds widespread use across various cultures and in various forms. It is employed for flavoring drinks, crafting alcohol, producing candies, pickles, teas, curries, soups, and more.
SKU: GALBO101_06 Categories: Beauty & Massage Oils, Herbal Medicinal Oils, Natural Essential Oils Tags: Alpinia officinarum Hance, Alpinia zerumbet, Aratta, Bara Kulanjan, Dhumarashmi, Galangal, greater galangal, Kulanjan, Lam Kew, Lengkuas, lesser galangal, Perarattai, shell ginger, Siamese Ginger, 大高良姜, 红豆寇, 高良姜