Syzygium cumini (L.) Skeels (MYRTACEAE)
Common name
Kannada – Nerale.
Description: Trees, up to 16 m tall; bark smooth, light grey. Leaves opposite, variable in shape, ovate, to elliptic-lanceolate or elliptic-oblong, up to 16 x 5 cm, narrowed at base, acute, acuminate or rarely obtuse at apex, chartaceous; lateral nerves distinct beneath; petiole up to 3 cm long. Flowers small, in ramiflorous or axillary, panicled cymes, dirty white. Calyx tube obscurely lobed. Corolla calyptrate; lobes 4. Numerous stamens are present, and the ovary is inferior with two locules. The fruit is a berry, either globose or oblong, reaching up to 4 cm in diameter, and turns purple when ripe, exhibiting juiciness. It contains a solitary seed.
Flowering & Fruiting: February – September.
Distribution: Almost throughout India. Common in deciduous and semi-evergreen forests of most districts. Sri Lanka, Malesia and Australia.
- The fruits are edible and utilized in the production of wine, vinegar, jellies, and jam. The timber is employed for both building and agricultural purposes. It is also used for boat building, oars, tool handles, cartwheels, well-curbs, sleepers, furniture, plywood, and as props for shafts and galleries in mines. The wood is a moderately good fuel. Bark is used in dyeing and tanning.
- Leaves form palatable fodder for cattle and also used as green manure. Seeds are used as feed for livestock. Planted as an avenue tree. Bark astringent, used in gargles; bark and leaf used in diarrhoea; decoction of bark and powdered seed used in diabetes; root, bark, leaf, fruit and seed are used in haemorrhage, burning sensation and polyuria; fruit stomachic, carminative and diuretic.